As a child I loved to observe, draw, play with colors and patterns and create. I've always been fascinated by fabrics. Sitting next to my grandmother's Singer sewing machine, I would collect little remnants of fabric and arrange them together, "writing" a story to the rhythm of the pedal. There was an immediate attraction when I was exposed to the beauty and symbolism of colorful African fabrics.
The creative process is so pleasurable, from the birth of the concept to its manifestation on the canvas, where the story unfolds
I am an artist in love with her craft.
I am inspired by possibilities and wonders
I am a dreamer
I believe in art as an healing tool
I find my main inspiration in my multicultural heritage, researching diverse cultures for histories and traditions I can interpret as visual stories.
My paintings are narratives and I draw influences from traditional African motifs and cosmology. I like to reinterpret these symbols to convey the spiritual potential of Africa’s culture to contemporary viewers, as they become a visual link between the past and the present.
I make great use of patterns even in abstract paintings. Patterns form a system of visual and verbal imagery that holds meanings the viewer can interpret layer by layer. When decoded they reveal legends, histories, and myths. I like to incorporate fabrics, shells and beads as they possess energy and serve as a communication system.
My work also celebrates womanhood, women in general and women of color in particular. My goal is to shatter stereotypes and illustrate growth and change. Women have vital roles (spiritual, even political) in the development of their communities and it should not be ignored. I create not exactly “portraits” but “representations” of women. Placed in the foreground of colorful designs the women are lifted from an everyday life setting and relocated in the realm of immortality. They become goddesses.
I aspire to take the viewers on a spiritual journey, to let them marvel, contemplate the images and find part of their own spirit and culture.